The meaning of life

2 min readDec 20, 2022

A little reminder. Get back to the basics, everything else is just noise

I don´t think life needs to be as serious as we make it out to seen that it is. Life is not asking much from us. It just wants us to EXPERIENCE, to love unconditionally, to explore intentionally, to create passionately. It wants us to find meaning in the little things and obtain lessons through the big things. It is asking us to smile, to grieve, to laugh, to cry, to scream. It is asking us to give space for every breathable human emotion, feeling and expression we were made to endure.

Life is not asking you to make tons of money or build a big house or find your purpose. It is not urging you to quit your job or get married or plan for retirement. It isn´t forcing you to figure yourself out a specific timestamp. That´s what SOCIETY is saying.

Life is just telling you to BE HERE with it. Every day, choosing to be in the present and making the most of each second through an incredibly curious and open spirit. Leveraging all that your body, heart and soul are capable of experiencing, and pushing its boundaries to feel even more. Trusting what your heart wants and running with it. Spreading kindness and love unconditionally. That´s all life is really asking from us. Everything else is what the world has made you to believe. It what life is supposed to be.

So, because that; here is it an exhaustive list of daily reminders;

  • Appreciate the simplicity
  • You´re closer than you think
  • What you think, you become
  • Everything in life is temporary
  • There is beauty in the stillness
  • Healing is never-ending journey
  • There is no light without darkness
  • Things happen for you, not to you
  • Life is beautiful, if you allow it to be
  • Love yourself first, others will follow
  • It´s never too late to change your life
  • God has a plan for you; surrender to him
  • The present moment is all that ever exists
  • If you can dream it, it is there from a reason
  • Choose to grow everyday, even if it´s scary
  • Surround yourself with people who value you
  • Feel all your feelings but detach from the story
  • Trust you intuition, it knows what´s right for you
  • Express your gratitude; there is so much to be thankful for

